Raj Setty has a new book, BLOGTASTIC! It was released last week, and it’s completely free. You can see a blog post recounting how Raj came to write the book and why it’s free on his website. You can get the book on that page or on its book landing page. (Email registration required.) Raj tells us that he thinks all our readers can benefit from his latest offering. Take a look!
Archives: September 2012
MOAP #21
The latest addition to Tom’s “Mother of All Presentations” (MOAP) is available now at ExcellenceNow.com. You can download it as a PowerPoint or a PDF. We’ve been releasing a new section every other week throughout 2012.
Part 21 continues the “15H Theory of Everything” with “Hewlett,” and it puts the limelight on the Professional Service Firm, Tom’s model for a transformational business. That is, one that offers to provide not just customer satisfaction, but, instead, customer success.
TLBT Video #80
Leadership: Managing by Wandering Around
The End of the Series
The Little BIG Things video series at YouTube, comes to an end with this, the 80th video. It features Tom’s favorite lesson from In Search of Excellence: Managing by Wandering Around. On the blog on tompeters.com, on 5 October 2004, Tom tells the story of Bob Waterman and him preparing to go on the Today show, and flipping a coin to decide which of them would mention this one of their eight basics. From observations at (“a much smaller, more intimate”) Hewlett-Packard, they discovered this important management tool: get out and see (and be seen by) the people doing the work. In this last TLBT video, Tom relates how Starbucks’ Howard Schultz religiously sticks to the practice.
You can find the video in the right-hand column of this page or watch it at YouTube (time: 2 minutes 12 seconds). Also, you can get a PDF transcript of the video’s content here: Leadership: MBWA.
See Tom in the Netherlands
On 9 October 2012, Focus Conferences will present Tom, in Breukelen, Netherlands, and implementing innovative strategies will be the topic of the day. If you would like registration information, you can find it here (in Dutch).
MOAP #20
Part 20 of Tom’s MOAP, or “Mother of All Presentations,” is available now at ExcellenceNow.com. You can download the PowerPoint version or a PDF. We’ve been releasing a new section every other week throughout 2012.
In Part 20, Tom covers one of his favorite topics: women as the majority market for just about everything.
Public Tom Event
This is a reminder that an event featuring Tom is coming up on 4 October 2012 in Frankfurt. The seminar is billed as an “MBA in One Day.” If you expect to be in Germany in October, you might want to take advantage of this opportunity to see Tom. Details are here (in German).
Future Shape Survey 2012
Volunteers Wanted
When we surveyed business leaders and consultants from the Tom Peters network in 2010 using our Excellence Audit instrument, we wanted to get a sense of what people saw ahead for their organization and their work, and what changes they thought were most needed. There had already been two years of economic recession in many parts of the world at that time, and we wondered how this context was affecting peoples’ perspectives on the world of work.
We found there was a strong opinion that looking back over their shoulders was the very opposite of what leaders should be doing at that time! Here’s one typical comment from a U.S.-based Manufacturing Manager: “The biggest challenge we face is establishing a new benchmark for our efforts. It is important that we don’t let the current malaise dictate our outlook.”
We are repeating the survey again this year looking out for how leaders’ attitudes may have shifted further. Can you help us, please?
The Excellence Audit takes around 30-45 minutes to complete thoughtfully and we are leaving our 2012 survey open for participants until 9th September. You can access it yourself by following this link.
Profound Labor Day Thought!
Found the following at Twitter:
“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.