Excellence: Now More Than Ever

Tom has given thousands of speeches, written 20 books, and now he presents six courses to give you a path to Excellence. Excellence: Now More Than Ever, The Excellence Dividend Online Experience offers a total of 99 Steps to Excellence, each followed by specific actions you can take NOW. That’s 99 Steps and more than 99 action items. The goal of this series is simple: to offer you and your organization—a 2-person accountancy, a 14-person training department, a 23-person non-profit staff, or a division of a giant company—a helping hand in implementing the products of decades of Tom’s research.


Free Preview Course

Watch this brief message from Tom describing the six-course series. Then take the free preview course to give you a taste of the material. We’ve included six of the most essential learning modules to infuse you with ideas and strategies you can use right now.

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Course 1. The Power of Excellence

We explore Excellence per se – what it looks like and how you can hop on the Excellence Express immediately—yes, literally in the next five minutes!

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Course 2. People (REALLY) First

At its core, Excellence is all about people, or, as Tom says, “people (managers/leaders) serving people (employees/teammates) serving people (customers and communities).”

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Course 3. Innovation

Innovation is about continuous experimentation by one and all, embracing and rewarding inevitable and useful mistakes—and, most important, establishing a full blown culture of playfulness.

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Course 4. Value-Added Strategies

Here we get down to the brass tacks of enterprise strategy. Differentiate your business by focusing on design, “little” touches (which are not at all little) that are the most magnetic, and adding services to your product.

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Course 5. Leadership Excellence

Tom has collected 24 tactics that have one thing in common: these ideas and practices have been repeatedly demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt to work!

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Course 6. Leadership with Urgency

Here you’ll find implement-right-now suggestions for personal leadership development in pursuit of Excellence.

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Please find Excellence: Now More Than Ever permissions here.