Innovation Tactics 121

Page 1 of Innovation TacticsRecession or no recession, deep recession or not, the challenge to add more and more value grows, and the importance of innovation, and a culture of innovation, grows exponentially. A “culture of innovation” covers “everything.” There is no half way. There of course are “first principles.” Or are there? I started a list of “stuff” that’s imperative to creating an innovative enterprise. The list of 10 or so grew to 25, than 45, and at the moment includes no less than 121 “tactics.” Of course you can’t do all of them. Or must you? Well, you can’t do all 121, or maybe even half that number, or less, but the absence of any one or two or three or six weakens and perhaps even imperils the entire structure; that is, we are talking overall about an abiding “culture of innovation,” and it takes a thousand signals roughly aligned to establish it and, especially, keep it in place.

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Cathy Mosca posted this on January 8, 2009.