Profit Through Putting People First Business Book Club
Business by and large has a lousy rep, and management books by and large focus on things that are broken and how to fix them. Yet there is also a robust body of “good news by putting people (REALLY) first” books—e.g., the informal list below. How about a year-long … “Profit Through Putting People First Business Book Club” for you and/or your leadership team?
- Nice Companies Finish First: Why Cutthroat Management Is Over—and Collaboration Is In, by Peter Shankman with Karen Kelly
- Uncontainable: How Passion, Commitment, and Conscious Capitalism Business Where Everyone Thrives, by Kip Tindell, CEO Container Store
- Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, by John Mackey, CEO Whole Foods, and Raj Sisodia
- Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, by Raj Sisodia, Jag Sheth, and David Wolfe
- The Good Jobs Strategy: How the Smartest Companies Invest in Employees to Lower Costs and Boost Profits, by Zeynep Ton
- Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love, by Richard Sheridan, CEO Menlo Innovations
- Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job, by Dennis Bakke, former CEO, AES
- Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down, by Vineet Nayar, CEO, HCL Technologies
- The Customer Comes Second: Put Your People First and Watch ‘Em Kick Butt, by Hal Rosenbluth, former CEO, Rosenbluth International, and Diane McFerrin Peters
- Patients Come Second: Leading Change by Changing the Way You Lead, by Paul Spiegelman and Britt Berrett
- It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy, by Mike Abrashoff, former commander, USS Benfold
- Turn the Ship Around: How to Create Leadership at Every Level, by David Marquet
- Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big, by Bo Burlingham
- Hidden Champions: Success Strategies of Unknown World Market Leaders, by Hermann Simon (#1 “management guru”/Germany)
- Retail Superstars: Inside the 25 Best Independent Stores in America, by George Whalin
- The Soft Edge: Where Great Companies Find Lasting Success, by Rich Karlgaard, publisher, Forbes
- Everybody Wins: The Story and Lessons Behind RE/MAX, by Phil Harkins and Keith Hollihan
- The Dream Manager, by Matthew Kelly
- Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, by Tony Hsieh, Zappos
- Camellia: A Very Different Company (company publication)
- Fans, Not Customers: How to Create Growth Companies in a No Growth World,
by Vernon Hill - Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School, by Richard Branson
- Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning, by
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Enough. The Measures of Money, Business, and Life, by John Bogle
- An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization, by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey
[CM: The Excellence Dividend is available for pre-order at …