Tom’s new book, Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence, will be published November 1st! Tom partnered with iconic designer Nancye Green of Donovan/Green to create this leadership guidebook. They packed the strikingly designed little book with exhilarating quotes that will urge you to recognize what truly matters at work.
We look for people that are warm and caring and actually altruistic. We look for people who have a fun-loving attitude.”
Colleen Barrett, President Emeritus, Southwest Airlines
Being aware of yourself and how you affect everyone around you is what distinguishes a superior leader.”
Cindy Miller, with Edie Seashore, in Sally Helgesen’s “Masters of the Breakthrough Moment,” strategy + business
Better before cheaper. Revenue before cost. There are no other rules.”
Michael E. Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed, The Three Rules: How Exceptional Companies Think
These are just a couple of quotes from the guidebook. Over the decades, Tom has gathered these gems of wisdom from those down in the trenches creating extraordinary places to work. The insights you’ll find in Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence will move you to action, to vigorously and passionately support our communities, provide products and services that stun your clientele with their excellence and verve, and serve our ailing planet. It’s not just the best path forward, it’s the path that can engender purpose and pride in all of us who perform the work.
Nancye designed the book for you, the reader, keeping in mind the most accessible and captivating way to absorb the wisdom. This book is meant to be picked up when you’re in need of inspiration. It provides you a framework for how to think about the way you act, the way you live, the way you govern your relationships with others.
We are all in need of some inspiration from time to time. Take this guidebook with you wherever you need to be reminded of excellence.