Check out these articles to keep up-to-date on all things Tom.
The Financial Times released Tom’s op-ed on the McKinsey-Purdue Pharma affair today, February 15th. For Tom’s thoughts on his former employers’ role in Purdue Pharma rebates read his opinion piece now, Tom Peters: McKinsey’s work on opioid sales represents a new low.
Fast Company’s February 3rd article, A Personal Branding Expert Shares What it Takes to Build a Successful Reputation by Wendy Marx, remind us of Tom’s five keys to help sharpen your image:
- Prioritize Continued Education
- Seek Out Diverse Reading Material
- Strive for Exceptional Performance
- Network Broadly
- Take on a Humanist Approach
In this Loop North article by Howard Tullman, How To Walk Around The Office – Even If There Isn’t One, Tullman reminds us that Tom’s idea of Managing by Walking Around (MBWA) is just as important when your employees are working from home.