TEP/The Everything Paper+

I was exhausted last Friday afternoon. I’d not looked up for hours as I edited and re-edited and re-re-re-re-edited what I call “The Everything Paper.” I mean it! EVERYTHING … on one page (attached).* It’s a long story, but my mind has been racing and I have wanted to capture the main themes I intend to exclusively work on in the years to come—not in a new book, but on one page.

(*I have sort of cheated. The main document is a single page. But for illumination, I have added a page called “Case Study”; it focuses on Commerce Bank/Metro Bank, the poster child of The Excellence Dividend. It is representative of much of what I am discussing in TEP/The Everything Page. When I do a paper handout, TEP is printed on the front and the Commerce/Metro story is printed on the back—hence it technically remains one page!)

I call this one-pager “Agenda/Excellence 2019.” For several iterations I labeled it a “Manifesto.” But in the end that felt far too pretentious. And, hey, it is an “Agenda.” As you might expect, “Excellence” is in there too—it’s an even more important idea/state-of-mind/action item in 2019, with, in particular, technology most likely embarking on a job-destruction binge.

So you will be the judge. This one-pager has been through perhaps 100 drafts—no kidding.

It’s the best I can do.

(FYI: The first of ten points in the Agenda is about my hobbyhorse.2019: EEE/Extreme Employee Engagement. Hence I have included a second 1-pager, titled Extreme Employee Engagement.

(FYI: A special thanks to Zach First and Rick Wartzman at the Drucker Institute for pushing my thinking several steps forward—especially on the topic of the damage done by the dreadful Maximizing Shareholder Value “movement.”)

Agenda/Excellence 2019 (one page)
Agenda/Excellence plus Metro Bank
Extreme Employee Engagement
EIGHTEEN Number Ones

Tom Peters posted this on April 8, 2019, in Excellence.