Archives: March 2019

Australian Institute of Management WA

In Perth, Tom spoke to the Australian Institute of Management Western Australia (AIM WA), a nonprofit dedicated to Excellence in management and leadership in public and private organizations.

Slides are here:
Australian Institute of Management WA


In New Zealand for another three weeks. But I’m heading to Perth next week to speak to the Australian Institute of Management WA (Western Australia). I’m putting together an up-to-date “Master” presentation which summarizes my thinking as honed in the past couple of months, particularly last week when I was at the University of Auckland Business School, speaking to a w-i-d-e variety of groups.

So this compact (“only” 269 slides) presentation is an SOE/Summary Of Everything as of Feb-March 2019.

In particular I single out my two big newish themes: “E-Cubed”/Extreme Employee Engagement and Extreme Humanization. The big idea is that to contend with the AI tsunami we have to double down on employee development rather than use tech to promiscuously cut jobs. And we have to double down on adding the human touches which make a customer interaction memorable as well as effective. Here’s the way I put it in one slide, based on my friends at Metro Bank in the UK:

Thrill customers (turn them into loyal message-spreading ‘Fans’) AND create good jobs AND earn big bucks AND embarrass the tech-gaga/cost-cutting-obsessed/short-term-shareholder-maximizing narrow-minded-job-and-sustainability-destroyers.”

FYI, here’s the Metro Bank mantra which so thoroughly incorporates these ideas:

Are you going to cost cut your way to prosperity? Or are you going to spend your way to prosperity?”

Over-invest in our people, over-invest in our facilities.”

Cost cutting is a death spiral. Our whole story is growing revenue.”

All yours …

Auckland Perth MASTER 01 March 2019

(Suggestion: Check out the two “FIRST THINGS BEFORE FIRST THINGS” sections near the beginning of the presentation. Though not annotated, they mostly speak for themselves, I think.)