Archives: March 2018

Radio New Zealand Features Tom

As we approach the publication of The Excellence Dividend, Radio New Zealand did an interview with Tom about his new book. On the RNZ program Nine to Noon, Tom spoke about “thriving in the tech tide.” Listen here.

Tom’s in The Guru Book

A Danish serial entrepreneur, Jonathan Løw, has written a book of advice to other entrepreneurs on vision, culture, and best practices. He calls it The Guru Book, and he included some thoughts by Tom on the subject of listening. The international edition is out today. Visit the book website for further info.

Tom In Auckland

Tom introduced The Excellence Dividend at the University of Auckland Business School. The first of his appearances for the book promotion was at their event for International Women’s Day. If you were in the audience, we hope you enjoyed it!

The Excellence Dividend, University of Auckland Business School
The Excellence Dividend, University of Auckland Business School, LONG