Archives: April 2017


Jack Bogle, the Vanguard Group founder (Vanguard has $3 trillion in assets under management), wrote in 2008 a marvelous book titled Enough. I offer here the chapter titles:

“Too Much Cost, Not Enough Value”
“Too Much Speculation, Not Enough Investment”
“Too Much Complexity, Not Enough Simplicity”
“Too Much Counting, Not Enough Trust”
“Too Much Business Conduct, Not Enough Professional Conduct”
“Too Much Salesmanship, Not Enough Stewardship”
“Too Much Focus on Things, Not Enough Focus on Commitment”
“Too Many Twenty-first Century Values, Not Enough Eighteenth-Century Values”
“Too Much ‘Success,’ Not Enough Character”

Not much more to be said, eh?

(Here’s the genesis of the title: “At a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island, Kurt Vonnegut informs his pal, Joseph Heller, that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular novel Catch-22 over its whole history. Heller responds … ‘Yes, but I have something he will never have … ENOUGH.'” FYI: The book title is Enough.—that is, enough, period.)

Hanging Out With My Beloved SMEs

I’m speaking in Toronto to the conference of my dreams—”Private Company Managers Annual Meeting.” For me, it’s a one-two punch. First, the best of the best, the winners in Deloitte’s “Canada’s Best Managed Program.” Second, the group consists entirely of mid-sized companies.
The “gurus” (whoops, including me) seem to focus almost exclusively on giant firms. Yet it’s the SMEs who create (in every nation) de facto ALL the new jobs—and readily come out on top when it comes to innovation.
What a treat—and a privilege—it will be to hang out with these folks!

Slides are here:
Deloitte, Private Company Managers Annual Meeting, Toronto
Deloitte, Toronto, Long


My niece, who is at the Tuck business school, asked me for a list of best leadership and management books. I put the list below together in haste. Despite the hastiness, I thought you might be interested.



Jeff Pfeffer, Leadership BS
Robert Sutton, Good Boss, Bad Boss
Robert Sutton, The No Asshole Rule
Dov Frohman, Leadership the Hard Way
Richard Branson, The Virgin Way
Robert Cialdini, Influence
Adam Grant, Give and Take
Edgar Schein, Helping
Laura Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval, The Power of Small
Laura Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval, The Power of Nice
Laura Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval, Grit to Great
John Kotter, Leading Change
Thomas Gilovich and Lee Ross, The Wisest One in the Room
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow
Sally Helgesen, The Female Advantage
Warren Bennis, Leaders
Warren Bennis, On Becoming a Leader
Susan Scott, Fierce Leadership
Betsy Myers, Take the Lead
George Kohlrieser, Hostage at the Table
Max Bazerman, The Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See


Rich Karlgaard, The Soft Edge
Henry Mintzberg, Mintzberg on Management
Henry Mintzberg, Managers Not MBAs
David Marquet, Turn the Ship Around!
Mike Abrashoff, It’s Your Ship
Leonard Berry and Kent Seltman, Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic
Dan Pink, To Sell Is Human
Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan, Execution
Susan Cain, Quiet
Frank Partnoy, Wait
John Mackey and Raj Sisodia, Conscious Capitalism
Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, First, Break All the Rules


The following related list comes from a draft of my new book [Ed.: work in progress], The Excellence Dividend:

Business by and large has a lousy rep, and management books by and large focus on things that are broken and how to fix them. Yet there is also a robust body of “good news by putting people (REALLY) first” books—e.g., the informal list below. How about a year-long … “Profit Through Putting People First Business Book Club” for you and/or your leadership team?

Nice Companies Finish First: Why Cutthroat Management Is Over—and Collaboration Is In, by Peter Shankman with Karen Kelly
Uncontainable: How Passion, Commitment, and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives, by Kip Tindell, CEO Container Store (Container Store is the #1 U.S. company to work for/Fortune)
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, by John Mackey, CEO Whole Foods, and Raj Sisodia
Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, by Raj Sisodia, Jag Sheth, and David Wolfe
The Good Jobs Strategy: How the Smartest Companies Invest in Employees to Lower Costs and Boost Profits, by Zeynep Ton
Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love, by Richard Sheridan, CEO Menlo Innovations
Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job, by Dennis Bakke, former CEO, AES
Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down, by Vineet Nayar, CEO, HCL Technologies
The Customer Comes Second: Put Your People First and Watch ‘Em Kick Butt, by Hal Rosenbluth, former CEO, Rosenbluth International
Patients Come Second: Leading Change By Changing the Way You Lead, by Paul Spiegelman & Britt Berrett
It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy, by Mike Abrashoff, former commander, USS Benfold
Turn the Ship Around! How to Create Leadership at Every Level, by L. David Marquet
Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big, by Bo Burlingham
Hidden Champions: Success Strategies of Unknown World Market Leaders, by Hermann Simon (#1 “management guru”/Germany)
Retail Superstars: Inside the 25 Best Independent Stores in America, by George Whalin
The Soft Edge: Where Great Companies Find Lasting Success, by Rich Karlgaard, publisher, Forbes
Everybody Wins: The Story and Lessons Behind RE/MAX, by Phil Harkins & Keith Hollihan
The Dream Manager, by Matthew Kelly
Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, by Tony Hsieh, Zappos
Camellia: A Very Different Company
Fans, Not Customers: How to Create Growth Companies in a No Growth World, by Vernon Hill
Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You at Business School, by Richard Branson
Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning, by Mihaly Csikszentmihali
Enough. The Measures of Money, Business, and Life, by John Bogle
An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization, by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey