When one speaks of leadership, it seems as though the discussion immediately turns to the likes of “vision” and other lofty topics.
Be my guest.
Follow that path.
Since I don’t really know (nor, frankly, much care) what “vision” means, I decided to go another route with a recent speech on leadership in Calgary (11 September).
Hardly a grand route.
But, I hope, a useful route.
So what you’ll find in the attached is … 43 items/notions/suggestions (“Some Stuff”) that, if you try a few of ’em, you might well improve your leadership effectiveness.
(The attached PowerPoint presentation is heavily annotated—perhaps 7.5K+ words worth of annotation.)
Read it.
Try “some stuff” yourself.
Hold on to a couple of “stuffs” that seem to work for you.
I do think it may be of value.
(And I can say with certainty it’s taken me about 35 years to write this.)