Archives: September 2015

The Leadership 43
“Some Stuff”

When one speaks of leadership, it seems as though the discussion immediately turns to the likes of “vision” and other lofty topics.

Be my guest.
Follow that path.

Since I don’t really know (nor, frankly, much care) what “vision” means, I decided to go another route with a recent speech on leadership in Calgary (11 September).

Hardly a grand route.
But, I hope, a useful route.

So what you’ll find in the attached is … 43 items/notions/suggestions (“Some Stuff”) that, if you try a few of ’em, you might well improve your leadership effectiveness.

(The attached PowerPoint presentation is heavily annotated—perhaps 7.5K+ words worth of annotation.)

Read it.
Try “some stuff” yourself.
Hold on to a couple of “stuffs” that seem to work for you.
I do think it may be of value.
(And I can say with certainty it’s taken me about 35 years to write this.)

Excellence 2015! The Leadership 43

The Art of Leadership

“The Art of …” conferences are “designed to explore the intersection where art and skill meet business.” This Canada-based event production company enlisted Tom for their Art of Leadership Conference, held today in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

At the gathering, Tom presented a PPT titled “The Leadership 24″—24 aspects of excellent leadership or habits of excellent leaders—that he recommends. Try one out. Doesn’t work for you? Try something else … just do something.

Leadership 24: The Art of Leadership Conference, Calgary
The Art of Leadership, Long Version

Working the Room

The key to engaging an audience is to make a human connection. Tom explains exactly how he does this in a conversation with colleague Shelley Dolley in the latest in our Off the Cuff video series.

You can find the video at YouTube (time: 2 minutes 57 seconds).