Archives: August 2015

Nissan North America 2015

Today’s event is Nissan North America’s 2015 Annual National Dealer Advisory Board Seminar, in Atlanta. This is an opportunity for Tom to speak to the kind of group he loves—a group of quintessential SMEs—auto dealerships. Collectively, they have great potential for growth and change. We know they’ll be inspired by Tom!

Slide presentations are here:
Nissan North America’s 2015 Dealer Advisory Board Seminar
Nissan North America 2015, Long Version

Opportunity to See Tom Live

If you live in the Northwest United States, you are within driving distance (albeit a long drive) of an upcoming Tom appearance: The Art Of Leadership Conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on 11 September 2015. If you’ve never seen Tom live, we’d recommend you consider making the trip. We can almost guarantee you’d come away energized, inspired, and ready to get back to work!

Tailoring Speeches

Longtime member of Tom Peters’ staff Shelley Dolley posed questions to Tom that she frequently gets asked by other business speakers. Many crave insights into Tom’s tricks of the trade. As part of our Off the Cuff series of videos, Tom tells us what the keys to successful speaking are. In this video, he shares with Shelley how he ensures he never gives the same speech twice.

You can find the video at YouTube (time: 2 minutes 33 seconds).

Brett Steenbarger Expounds on Tom’s Stance Against Vision

Brett Steenbarger, a contributor at Forbes, has taken a couple of Tom’s tweets and expanded on them with great insight.

Tom tweeted, “Thinking ahead is great, but it becomes more than it is when when you sprinkle Holy Water and enshrine it as Vision.” In response to reaction to this pronouncement, Tom went on to post, “Drucker said he’d never met a good leader who was ‘charismatic.’ I’d like to ban words like ‘charismatic’ and ‘vision.'” (Read the tweetstream here.)

Steenbarger captured the essence of Tom’s meaning and made it clearer to the rest of us in his article of July 26 on We highly recommend his in-depth commentary on the subject of vision, “The Foresight of Leadership.” He does an excellent job of supporting Tom’s view that a vision may not be the key to success. Thank you, Brett!