Necessary Revolution: People & Profits Circa 2025

Kissy Russell, a neighbor of Tom’s in his new South Dartmouth digs, originated a winter program called The Art of Dialogue. Tom is the first speaker this year—just 36 hours prior to his winter escape to Golden Bay, New Zealand. The title of his presentation is “Necessary Revolution: People & Profits Circa 2025.” You’ll find the PowerPoint presentation here, as well as the public description of the talk and two supplemental handouts Tom prepared for participants.

P.S. Tom sent this comment along. “OMG, a speech in Westport MA, a de facto Boston distant suburb—and it took place exactly coincident with the Patriots playoff game. I.e., I went toe-to-toe with Tom Brady, 30 miles from Gillette Stadium. I expected a turnout of three: the sponsor, the AV guy, and my wife. To my delight we managed a full house and then some—though I did observe a few surreptitiously checking their iPhones from time to time.”

Moral Obligation/Art of Dialogue (PDF)
Human Asset Development (PPT)

Cathy Mosca posted this on January 12, 2015, in Tom's Slides.