9 to 4,096

As most of you know, our MOAP/Mother Of All Presentations is posted at excellencenow.com. It is—or attempts to be— “the works.” Pretty much all the stuff I’ve worried about over the last 3+ decades. There are 23 Parts and 4,096 slides. The core idea is what I call the “15H Model”—15 key ideas, each signified by a person’s name beginning with “H.”

The 4,096 “MOAP” had to start somewhere. And I just came across the NINE-slide version, from June 2008, from which MOAP sprouted. This is not meant as a nostalgia trip. The seed PowerPoint we’ve attached here is a pretty solid précis of all that followed—that is, the subsequent 4,087 slides.

Check it out!

Tom Peters posted this on April 17, 2014, in Tom's Slides.