Growing Like Topsy:
“Some (Important) Stuff”

It started with a tweetstream on “change.” And it’s kept growing. [Ed.: 35 parts as of 01.13.14.] Titled “Some (Really) (Important) Stuff”:

1. Change. Focus/obsess on allies. And allies and allies. And MORE allies. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted or sidetracked by foes.

2. Do good work. You’ll spend most of your waking hours at work. Make the best of it—or you will have thrown away your life. (Strong words. Warranted.)

3. Start the day on a high. Bring a SMILE to work. IMMEDIATELY get out and about (MBWA). Etc. Call it “the little BIG things starter kit.” First TEN MINUTES determine the flow of the day.

4. Close the week with a bang. More MBWA. Offer thanks for a job well done—”little stuff” more than big stuff. Call three customers. Thank two people in other functions who lent a hand.

5. Training. Training must go from “second best” to the very top of the heap. The training boss should sit next door to the CEO. Training courses should unfailingly make you gasp at their quality.

6. People development. Priority #1 is no less than a … MORAL OBLIGATION … to let nothing get in the way of helping our people—each and every one—grow and prosper and achieve beyond their wildest dreams. (Hint: You’ll make a lot of money along the way.)

7. 1st-line leaders. It’s simple (though rare): The #1 variable determining enterprise productivity is the quality of the full cadre of 1st-line leaders. (Recruit ’em and train ’em accordingly.)

8. Get aboard the “S-train” or else. SM/Social Media. SE/Social Employees. SO/Social Organization. (ALL HANDS.) SB/Social Business. Cacophonous engagement of one—AND ALL—with every aspect of the enterprise, inside and out, is determining the difference between winners and losers.

9. The “sharing economy.” Sharing pays!

10. The “hang out factor.” Little or nothing is more important than MANAGING your “Hang Out Portfolio”!

11. Civility. Civility allows you to sleep at night. Civility is a STUNNING competitive advantage.

12. “EXCELLENT” Meetings. Meetings are what bosses “do.” Meetings are de facto Leadership Opportunity #1. Act accordingly.

Tom Peters posted this on December 17, 2013, in Strategies.