Best of the Cool Friends:
Paco Underhill

This first full week of retail’s holiday season is a great time to revisit our chat with an expert on the subject of shopping, Paco Underhill. He’s the president and founder of Envirosell, a New York consultancy that does research on shoppers’ behavior, shopping environments, layout, and merchandising. We interviewed him back in 2001, a year after publication of his first book Why We Buy: the Science of Shopping, which has since been updated for “the Internet, the Global Consumer, and Beyond.” His latest is What Women Want, and his company has done the research. If you’re aiming at maximizing sales in this holiday season, you might want to take a look at the book (also an audiobook), or this video from the Envirosell website featuring Paco speaking on the forces guiding shoppers worldwide.

Get started reading with Paco Underhill’s Cool Friends interview. And … Happy Holidays!

Cathy Mosca posted this on December 3, 2013, in Cool Friends.