Tom is vacationing by the Atlantic Ocean. Yesterday morning [Monday 29 July] he took a beach walk at 6a.m. “Gorgeous,” he says. But how would he know? He tweeted his way down the beach. Turned out to be a tweet sequence he’d like to reproduce here. “Sterling,” he calls it.
Starting vacation today? Vacation goal: No vacation goal. REFRESH. [Pure hypocrisy on Tom’s part—cm]
Vacation: Unless you are a truly shitty manager, your team can live w/o you for 48 hours. No emails. ZERO.
19 people require 19 different “management styles.” (Just like great teacher who has distinctive way of dealing with each of 19 10-yr-olds.)
Yo, jovial boss: Some of your very best folks hypersensitive. Light wiseass remark can demoralize them for month. Uh, people are different.
“Jovial” types often dim when it comes to hypersensitive types … who are often your most thoughtful people.
Don’t waste a moment this week persuading naysayers. Spend your time deepening and widening network of allies.
Monday reminder: A “small” act of incivility may well be remembered for 10 years.
Make your 1st meeting today a demo of Leadership Excellence. Prep your ass off.
Make your 1st 10 emails of the day positive!! Every damn one of them!!
Thank 5 people for SOMETHING before day’s end.
MBWA today … or bust.
Thank a front-line employee this morning for bringing a great attitude to work this Monday morning.
Suck down for success! Add 2 people 2 levels “down” in another function to your network. The Real Work is done “down” there.
Are you 40? 45? 50? Sign up for a Web course this week on something new you need to understand. DO NOT DELAY.
Bain study concluded that 80% of companies think their service is good. 20% of their customers think so. Do you have similar disconnect?
When I ask you Friday afternoon, “Who was the most interesting person you added to your network this week,” what will your answer be?
Devote the week to better cross-functional integration. Do SOMETHING in that regard before 11AM this morning.
Is there anyone on your agenda for the week who will give you a genuinely novel perspective on something of importance? If not, why not?
I’m mostly a function over form guy. My iPhone a sleek beauty; or, rather, it was until I put an ugly, garish, drop-proof cheap case on it.
Passed a Frank Gehry-ish house on beach walk. High on artsy-fartsy scale, likely a leaky nightmare to live in. (I’m a Donald Norman-ist.)
[We’re glad he paused long enough to take a photo—below—cm]

Tom’s caption: World War II pillbox, Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, as of 30 July 2013