Google Authorship, Google+ & Business

The buzz around Google Authorship is gaining serious momentum. Why should you pay attention?

Google Authorship gives credit where credit is due. For all those writers whose writing can be found in various places on the Web, it’s the long-overdue feature that links your identity to your writing in a standard way, regardless of the publication. The link is essentially your Google+ profile, and establishing yourself this way will add to your credibility:

Google’s Eric Schmidt has hinted that the search behemoth could give higher rankings to content when it’s linked to verified Google+ profiles -via Google Authorship.

That’s right, he said “higher rankings.” This affects businesses directly since Google+ features the ability to offer social feedback by giving +1 ratings. Google is strengthening its search results by adding a social component, not just relying on the bots to make the ranking decisions. Read Monica Romeri’s The Lowdown on Google+ for Business to get a better feel for how this impacts businesses.

Google is the uncontested monarch of search. It’s name is now listed in the dictionary as the equivalent of search. Adding Google Authorship to Google+ increases Google+’s relevancy for businesses, enhancing its attraction as a social network. Furthermore, Dave Lloren’s Fast Company article today goes into detail about several other tools Google is bringing to bear while quickly becoming a powerful hub of business solutions we’ll soon not be able to live without.

Shelley Dolley posted this on February 11, 2013, in Technology.