Transforming "Departments" into Value-added Superstar PSFs/Professional Service Firms


While reading Henry Chesbrough’s masterful 2011 Open Services Innovation, I was reminded of our 1999 triumvirate of books in our Re-inventing Work series. In particular, The Professional Service Firm50: Fifty Ways to Transform Your “Department” Into a Professional Service Firm Whose Trademarks Are Passion and Innovation. (You can get it on Kindle, or used hardback, starting at, ta da, $0.01.) I have also attached a “PSF” PowerPoint presentation from 2007, unfortunately not annotated.

Specifically, this post is in response to a 0608 tweet.

(Photo above, courtesy Tom’s iPhone 4S, is the “beauty bush” outside his home office.)

Tom Peters posted this on June 11, 2012, in Strategies.