Credit Union National Association, San Diego


Boats & boats & more boats. (San Diego, of course!)

Tom has returned from Korea, gone back to Boston to see his 1-year-old granddaughter (20 hour sojourn), and then reversed course and raced (back) to San Diego. (He also spoke there about three weeks ago.) Today his audience is the Credit Union National Association. “I’m very excited,” he says. “First, most of these organizations are ‘human
scale,’ and can effectively compete and thrive by outstanding service to their local(ish) community—’close to the customer’ was a pillar of In Search of Excellence, right? Second, I bought my first house, while in the Navy in 1969, courtesy a loan from the Navy Federal Credit Union—so my heart is in this speech maybe even more than normally is the case.”

CUNA, San Diego, Final

CUNA, Long Version

Cathy Mosca posted this on June 18, 2012, in Tom's Slides.