It’s time for a new section in The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series. The next section in The Little BIG Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence is titled “Special Section: The Heart of Business Strategy.'” Here’s how Tom describes this section:
I humbly offer the following 51 pieces of “commonplace advice”—”reminders of the obvious” (as opposed to marketing “cleverness” or “devious ‘strategic’ maneuvers” or financial legerdemain) for creating a “winning” “strategy” that is inherently sustainable.
You can download a free pdf of this section from The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series* by clicking below:
#46 Special Section: The Heart of Business Strategy
*The Synopsis Series is an adaptation that gives you a taste of the BIG idea in each of the 163 Little BIG Things. More information on the book can be found on this page. The Synopsis Series as released thus far can be found here.