Archives: February 2011

The Little BIG Things
Synopsis Series
#41 The Top 50 “Have Yous”

It’s time for a new section in The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series. The next section in The Little BIG Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence is titled “Special Section: The Top 50 ‘Have Yous.'” According to Tom, your “competitive position” will improve far more if you’re proactively doing the 50 practical things in this list rather than abstract strategy work.

You can download a free pdf of this section from The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series* by clicking below:

#41 Special Section: The Top 50 “Have Yous”

*The Synopsis Series is an adaptation that gives you a taste of the BIG idea in each of the 163 Little BIG Things. More information on the book can be found on this page. The Synopsis Series as released thus far can be found here.

Little BIG Video #56
Cross-Functional Communication

Here’s video number 56 from The Little BIG Things Video Series. Lousy cross-functional communication is often listed as issue number one within organizations. Tom says cross-functional excellence boils down to one main variable. And it’s extraordinarily simple. Watch the video to find out what it is.

You can find the video in the right column of the front page of or you can watch the video on YouTube. [Time: 2 minutes, 56 seconds] You can also download a PDF transcript of the video’s content: Excellence: Cross-Functional Communication.

Auckland Seminar
23 February 2011

BNZ is sponsoring “A Conversation with Tom Peters” at the Museum Events Center in Auckland. You can find the slide presentation below.

Needless to say, the still unfolding tragedy in Christchurch weighs heavily on the mind of everyone involved. “I am especially attuned to a horror like this,” Tom said, “having experienced, from inside Candlestick Park, the 1989 Loma Prieta quake in the San Francisco Bay Area.”

Excellence: The 12H “Theory of Everything,” BNZ/Auckland, New Zealand, 23 Feb 2011

Cool Friend #157
Francis Gouillart

Our new Cool Friend Francis Gouillart has coauthored with Venkat Ramaswamy, The Power of Co-Creation: Build It With Them To Boost Growth, Productivity and Profits. “Co-creation is about engaging people to create more value together. It involves redesigning interactions… [to] unleash the creative energy of people.” To find out more, read the interview with Erik Hansen and visit their site.

New Audio: Tom Reads The Little BIG Things

This week’s additions to the audio files on the book page are in the section titled “CURIOSITY”:

#115. If You Have to Ask… Then Ask (and Ask and Ask).

#116. Reward DNK (Do Not Know).

#117. Work the Watercooler&mdashOr: Are You Gossiping Enough?

Collect them all, and when we’re finished, you’ll have an audio version of the entire book.

Little BIG Video #55
Brand You:
Shut Up

Here’s video number 55 from The Little BIG Things Video Series. You’ll be amazed by what you learn if you’re willing to do one very simple thing: Shut up. According to Tom, listening—even through uncomfortable silences—is an essential sales tool.

You can find the video in the right column of the front page of or you can watch the video on YouTube. [Time: 2 minutes, 59 seconds] You can also download a PDF transcript of the video’s content: Brand You: Shut Up.

National Business Growth Summit

Tom has taken a break from his writing and New Zealand “sabbatical” to cross the Tasman Sea and speak to the National Business Growth Summit in Sydney, Australia. (His friend, Verne Harnish, CEO of Gazelles Inc. is the instigator-in-chief.)

You’ll find his presentation below.

Excellence: The 15H(8H) “Theory of Everything” National Business Growth Summit, Sydney, Australia

Update: Today Tom’s giving an all day workshop as part of the National Business Growth Summit. The slides are below.

Excellence: The 14H “Theory of Everything” Workshop, National Business Growth Summit, Sydney, Australia

A Day with Tom

Tom’s still down under and will be giving a day long seminar next week in Auckland, New Zealand. On February 23, BNZ will be presenting A Day with Tom Peters. If you’re in the area, be sure to come and say hello to Tom.

The Little BIG Things
Synopsis Series
#39 Grunge
#40 Enterprise

It’s time for two new sections in The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series. The next two sections in The Little BIG Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence are titled “Grunge” and “Enterprise.” The Grunge section covers execution and common sense while Enterprise is a guide to the principles of doing Excellent work.

You can download free pdfs of those sections from The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series* by clicking below:

#39 Grunge
#40 Enterprise

*The Synopsis Series is an adaptation that gives you a taste of the BIG idea in each of the 163 Little BIG Things. More information on the book can be found on this page. The Synopsis Series as released thus far can be found here.

Little BIG Video #54
Women & Relationships

Here’s video number 54 from The Little BIG Things Video Series. According to Tom: “Women look at relationships with more depth and complexity than men do.” It’s essential to understand this if you’re working with women in leadership positions or if you’re developing products for women.

You can find the video in the right column of the front page of or you can watch the video on YouTube. [Time: 2 minutes, 21 seconds] You can also download a PDF transcript of the video’s content: Strategy: Women & Relationships.