Archives: November 2010

New Audio: Tom Reads The Little BIG Things

This week’s additions to the audio files on the book page are in the section titled “TALENT”:

#92. Hiring: Do You Approach It with Unabashed Fanaticism?

#93. Promotion: Are You Building a “Two Per Year” Legacy?

#94. Development: Are You Finding and Cultivating First-Rate (“Godlike”) First-Line Supervisors?

#95. People Who Lead People: You = Your Development Track Record.

Collect them all, and when we’re finished, you’ll have an audio version of the entire book.

The Little BIG Things
Synopsis Series
#22 Customers
#23 Action

It’s time for two new sections in The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series. The next two sections in The Little BIG Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence are titled “Customers” and “Action.” In Customers, the message is the importance of communication – have you called a customer today? Action is, of course, all about doing. “She or he who tries the most stuff wins.”

You can download free pdfs of those sections from The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series* by clicking below:

#22 Customers
#23 Action

*The Synopsis Series is an adaptation that gives you a taste of the BIG idea in each of the 163 Little BIG Things. More information on the book can be found on this page. The Synopsis Series as released thus far can be found here.

Happy Thanksgiving!

When at home, Tom is the family’s Designated Shopper. He photographed his shopping list a few years ago, and it evokes the Thanksgiving-in-Vermont image.


From all of us at, have a festive holiday!

Little BIG Video #48
Hold ’em and Fold ’em

Here’s video number 48 from The Little BIG Things Video Series. Persistence. You’ve gotta have more than your share to succeed. There’s plenty of advice out there about knowing when to give up. Tom’s advice? Hold out longer than anyone thinks is wise.

You can find the video in the right column of the front page of or you can watch the video on YouTube. [Time: 1 minute, 50 seconds] You can also download a PDF transcript of the video’s content: Strategy: Hold ’em and Fold ’em.

The Little BIG Things
Synopsis Series
#20 Yes
#21 No

It’s time for two new sections in The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series. The next two sections in The Little BIG Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence are titled “Yes” and “No.” In these sections, Tom reminds us that, “Time is your most precious resource.” In Yes, the focus is on being intentional about having fun, and in No, the focus is on choosing what not to spend your time on.

You can download free pdfs of those sections from The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series* by clicking below:

#20 Yes
#21 No

*The Synopsis Series is an adaptation that gives you a taste of the BIG idea in each of the 163 Little BIG Things. More information on the book can be found on this page. The Synopsis Series as released thus far can be found here.

Little BIG Video #47
Brand You:
TDY Finance

In video number 47 from The Little BIG Things Video Series, Tom advises you to take on a temporary duty assignment in the finance department. The relationships you build there will be priceless in getting things done.

You can find the video in the right column of the front page of or you can watch the video on YouTube. [Time: 2 minutes, 18 seconds] You can also download a PDF transcript of the video’s content: Brand You: TDY Finance.

Goodbye to 2010

Today marks Tom’s last speech/event of 2010 (download the slides below). He’s addressing the National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies at Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center, outside of Dallas in Grapevine, TX. He’s been in the public presentation business/arena since 1977. In those 33 years, he figures he’s walked on stage almost 3,000 times and logged about 5,000,000 miles in the process.

And as those who’ve seen him of late know, he loves the work as much or more than ever. Why keep going? His ready response: “There’s a lot of unfinished business.”

Excellence: The 8H “Theory of Everything” NAILBA, Dallas, TX, 18 November 2010

The "11H Theory of Everything"

I’ve been playing with “Hs.” First it was 3Hs. Then 7Hs. Then 6, 5, etc. Here I want to share the Grand Finale. (For now.) That is, “The 11H Theory of Everything,” a 368-slide show. Incidentally, I’ve included the original “3H Theory of Everything” as an Appendix.


Cool Friend #153
Stephen Shapiro (No.2)

Cool Friend Steve Shapiro returns to tell us about his new book, Personality Poker: The Playing Card Tool for Driving High-Performance Teamwork and Innovation. He’s created a game to help identify—so that you can diversify—the personality types within your organization. The more diverse the personality types, the more fertile the environment for innovation.

Read the interview with Erik Hansen and find out more about Steve at his site.

The Little BIG Things
Synopsis Series
#19 Equations

It’s time for a new section in The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series. The next section in The Little BIG Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence is a Special Section titled “The Equations: An Engineer’s View of the Secrets of Effective Implementation.” In it, Tom lists the things you can do to “boost your odds of success at implementing damn near anything.”

You can download a free pdf of this section from The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series* by clicking below:

#19 Equations

*The Synopsis Series is an adaptation that gives you a taste of the BIG idea in each of the 163 Little BIG Things. More information on the book can be found on this page. The Synopsis Series as released thus far can be found here.