I may have been misunderstood when I wrote/Tweeted that we don’t need “Wow service” (Peters), “Raving fans” (Blanchard) or “Memorable experience” (Pine and Gilmore). The word “service,” all by its lonesome, will more than suffice.
I was not dissing myself or Ken or Joe or Jim. I like and think important and have written extensively about all of the above formulations.
But here’s my deal (I repeat):
Organizations exist only to serve.
Leaders exist only to serve.
That is “service”—WITHOUT MODIFIERS—is a sacred word.
To “be of service” is the highest aspiration possible.
To have “been of service” is the highest tribute possible.
Ponder the word service.
Have you, boss or non-boss … BEEN OF SERVICE … today?
That is: To the extent possible, review every transaction-exchange today or in, say, the last 3 hours. Even the most fleeting transaction. Have you unfailingly offered support or acknowledged a good effort or in some way nudged the person you were with forward just a smidgeon—i.e., have you … UNFAILINGLY & PRO-ACTIVELY … been “of service”?
Be tough on yourself. Or, at least, honest with yourself.
Every opportunity to “be of service” that you miss is gone for eternity.