Link Roundup #16

This link came to us in the emails. A conceptual artist named Nico Simpson has posted a slides presentation for which part of the inspiration was Tom’s “Sixty” book.

“The Little Things That Lead to Excellence” is the featured interview for June 2010 in a publication called Associations Now. Read the online version of this interview that Tom did with Gerry Romano from the American Society of Association Executives.

Have a favorite management author from the UK? CMI is running a competition that you may like to weigh in on.

Tara Parker-Pope at the New York Times wrote about the mental health risks of performance reviews, and the new book Get Rid of the Performance Review by UCLA professor Sam Culbert, one of our Cool Friends.

Another Cool Friend, Bob Sutton, wrote to us saying that his publisher wanted him to do a sequel to his last (prize-winning) book, The No Asshole Rule. However, Bob said, he didn’t want to do a sequel to that book. “But,” he continued, “the experience of writing it got me very interested in bosses, as they were the main culprits and heroes in most stories I heard, and also, I heard from so many bosses in so many situations about how they not only wanted to be civilized, they wanted to be generally competent.” The result? His new book—expect it in September 2010—Good Boss, Bad Boss (or GBBB).

Cathy Mosca posted this on June 3, 2010, in General.