Tom's Been Talking

This past Friday Tom talked to several bloggers, so over the weekend a crop of interviews became available that we’d like to mention.

Anthony Iannarino at The Sales Blog posted his interview with Tom on Saturday and Sunday. You can read it here: Part One (27 March 2010), and Part Two (28 March 2010).

At Wall Street Journal online (subscription required), Alexandra Levit did an interview titled “Grandma Was Right.” (She was referring to age-old wisdom in The Little BIG Things.)

Finally, Ron Holohan at asked Tom his opinion of the Toyota recall news. You can find that interview in text and audio here, and soon it will be available at iTunes.

We’ve been linking reviews of The Little BIG Things on our book page and on our media page—you might want to take a look. We appreciate all the great feedback, especially from our Cool Friends.

Cathy Mosca posted this on March 28, 2010, in General.