Cool Friend #145: Garrison Keillor

The host of Public Radio’s A Prairie Home Companion, Garrison Keillor has written his first-ever Christmas book, and the book tour fortuitously brought him our way. We welcome him to the Cool Friends! He and Erik discuss the book, A Christmas Blizzard (briefly), as the conversation meanders through the creative process. Keillor offers advice to writers (“The first page almost always can go”), artists (“Artists are supposed to be useful”), and speakers (“The audience is going to give you the benefit of the doubt for at least a minute or two. Don’t waste that”). We think you should read our first-ever Christmas Cool Friends interview. Happy holidays!

Addendum: In its 21 December issue, Time magazine is publishing 10 Questions for Garrison Keillor, available now on along with a video version.

Cathy Mosca posted this on December 11, 2009, in Cool Friends.