Link Roundup #4

Blogging has changed Tom’s life. Hear about that and a few other topics in the videos our Cool Friend Seth Godin posted last week. If you’re curious about Seth’s wildly successful blogging strategy, check out this interview he did with Advertising Age.

Tom has enthusiastically endorsed Bob Stone’s new book, The Ethics Challenge: Strengthening Your Integrity in a Greedy World. According to Tom, “your professional and family life alike literally depend on” reading this book. Let us hear what you think of the book.

This article on Diane von Furstenburg’s secrets to surviving a downturn is worth a read. (Point of interest: her staff is 97 percent women. “‘[T]he only men there are drivers and waiters.'”)

Find out why women are better managers from Carol Smith, SVP and Chief Brand Officer for the Elle Group.

For insights into marketing to women, don’t miss the book excerpt from Why She Buys in the Wall Street Journal.

The topic of healthcare has been ubiquitous in recent weeks. Here’s the story of an interesting approach to the issue: “Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida has opened an Apple Store-style outlet that offers health-insurance services. Could it be coming to a mall near you?

On a lighter note, the Boston Globe recently profiled the Wagon Wheel restaurant in Gill, MA. Our ears perked up as Tom’s original blog about it started the wheel rolling (as it were) toward the book he’s in the midst of writing.

Cathy Mosca posted this on August 4, 2009, in General.