Link Roundup #3

There are big changes adrift in the publishing industry and there’s a lot of experimentation happening. One WOW! project is happening in Tom’s neighborhood. At his favorite local bookstore, Northshire Bookstore, you can now find print on demand books. We’re not sure how the experiment will turn out, but everyone at adores this cozy independent bookstore. If you’re ever in Manchester Center, Vermont, stop by.

Have you been tuned into the debate? Malcolm Gladwell reviewed Chris Anderson’s book, Free: The Future of a Radical Price. Chris Anderson responded, in part. And Seth Godin chimed in as well. Let us know what you think about the future of Free in the comments.

Cool Friend Rod Beckstrom has recently been appointed the impressive position of CEO of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

Tom loves talking about design, and never shies away from a debate about gender differences. Cool Friend Andrea Learned has a recent post involving both that we think you might enjoy.

If you’re not a texting fiend, you might find this acronym decoder site helpful. HTH! (Hope this helps!)

Cathy Mosca posted this on July 3, 2009, in General.