Our Cool Friend Nick Morgan recently published a manifesto at ChangeThis.com that we think anyone who speaks publicly will find useful. Check it out.
Regular commenter Ian Sanders sent us a link to a good customer service story on his blog. Actually, an over-the-top, awesomely out-of-the-ordinary, beyond-what-you’d-ever-expect customer service story.
Tom Asacker is another person who comments regularly on our blog. We got to know him because Tom Peters used to quote something fun he wrote in a letter to the editor at Fast Company magazine (don’t ask how long ago). Asacker sent us a link to a PDF at his site you might enjoy reading: Wealth Flows from Health. Again, customer service is the focus, but it encompasses many aspects of business health.
Here’s an article that smacked of Tom’s leanings so much that it jumped out at us. “The Forgotten Market Online: Older Women” lays out the case that “New Fashion Sites Target Youth—Though Most Web Apparel Sales Are to Women Over 35.”
For those Free Agents out there (and the people who love them), this recent article, “Self-Employed Depression,” from the New York Times will most likely ring all too true.
Finally, someone turned us on to a new service which might be useful to someone who doesn’t have their own website. Nombray.com is about collecting your online identities (LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, etc.) in one place.
Postscript: Cool Friend Andrea Learned blogged at her site about logo genderfication, and we thought you might like to read what she has to say.