Create a “Cathedral”!
(If Not, What?)
In an important [as far as I was concerned] keynote conference speech honoring the work of Peter Drucker, I let my imagination soar, and out popped, among other things,
Organizations should be …
… no less than Cathedrals in which the full and awesome power of the Imagination and Spirit and native Entrepreneurial flair of diverse individuals is unleashed in passionate pursuit of … Excellence.
“Cathedral/s” is a Big Word. In fact, I don’t mean it in a religious way—except in that I see all organizations as driven by an unstinting commitment to members’ growth.
A classroom in a primary school should … obviously … be such a Cathedral. But so, too, an accounting or training department. Organizations must effectively serve their external customers to survive, let alone thrive. But my line-of-logic is, at least to me, crystal clear and admits no alternatives: The odds of the external customer being served effectively is a direct function of such service being provided by those [employees] who are engaged in a vigorous Quest for Growth and Excellence.
I don’t ask you to “buy my act.” I do ask you to think about it—and the consequences (enormous!) thereof.
Is, in fact, your unit of any size …
“… no less than a Cathedral in which the full and awesome power of the Imagination and Spirit and native Entrepreneurial flair of diverse individuals is unleashed in passionate pursuit of … Excellence”?
And if it is not, or if that is not the am, then tell me what the alternative is. Please.
Entrepreneurial flair.