The economy is in the tank, etc., etc. But there will be an end to the gloomy tunnel, and the barrel of gold at the end of that tunnel—bruises and “new world” iterations notwithstanding—will be, for the Americans, our 80-million, mostly healthy, even if not quite as wealthy, Boomers. Some get it—and maybe it’s not as hard as others think. For example, my bet is for great success for Jay Leno in his soon-to-be 10 p.m. slot. If “60 is the new 30,” “10 p.m. is the new 11:30 p.m.” Boomers may be healthier than their predecessors of the same age band, but they mostly go to bed by, say, 11 p.m.
(Startling success in general will go to those in the “rapidly aging universe”—e.g., U.S., EU, Japan—who vigorously pursue the BGB/Boomer-Geezer Bonanza.) (Reminder: “It” is not mostly about marketing; “it” is overwhelmingly about new products and services.)