Upcoming Webinar

We want to acknowledge the difficulties that today’s leaders must be facing, but we know that many of the readers of this blog will be looking for innovative ways to thrive in these disruptive times. At a time when many companies, quite understandably, are taking defensive action and battening down the hatches, there are some leaders who see times like these as an opportunity—a time for radical and different approaches. So how can we help?

The Tom Peters Company’s Future Shape of the Winner Model, which is the operationalization of Tom’s PSF philosophy, has people as its focus. It defines the leader’s job as creating a context in which people can do their best work.

Find out more about this approach, and its accompanying audit instrument, The Excellence Audit, at a complimentary webinar a week from today. You can sign up for a session at Noon in the UK, or a session at Noon Eastern U.S. time, both Wednesday, 29 October 2008. For more information, go to www.tompeters.co.uk.

Madeleine McGrath posted this on October 22, 2008, in General.