Leading yourself in really weird times:
- Be conscious in the Zen sense. Think about what you are doing more than usual. Think about how you project.
- Meet daily, first thing, with your leadership team—to discuss whatever, check assumptions. Perhaps meet again late afternoon. Meetings max 30 minutes.
- If you are a “big boss,” use a private sounding board—check in daily.
- Concoct scenarios by the bushel, test ’em, play with ’em, short-term, long-term, sane, insane.
- MBWA. Wander. Sample attitudes. Visible but not frenzied.
- Work the phones, chat up experts, customers, vendors. Seek enormous diversity of opinion.
- “Over”communicate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Exercise—encourage your leadership team to double up on their exercise.
- Underscore “excellence in every transaction.”