Cool Friend #124: Stephanie Palmer

Stephanie Palmer wants to help you find clients, increase revenue, and get financing for your ideas. After ten years in the film industry, including six as Director of Creative Affairs at MGM Pictures, Palmer founded a consultancy. Now she uses what she learned about being successful in meetings to coach business leaders, executives, and creative professionals on getting their ideas the attention they deserve and the financing they need. She presents this expertise in her book, Good in a Room: How to Sell Yourself (and Your Ideas) and Win Over Any Audience, which she discussed with Erik in her Cool Friends interview.

To hear the whole original conversation, you can download an MP3 by means of this link. For a few tips from Stephanie, we have available a shorter MP3 titled “Three Things.”

You might also like to visit Stephanie Palmer’s website,, or her book website,

Cathy Mosca posted this on June 13, 2008, in Cool Friends.