We’re part of a very cool effort by Cool Friend
Dave Balter—you might remember him as the
founder of BzzAgent. Today, around this time, 20 select blogs around the Web are together announcing the appearance of his new book, The Word of Mouth Manual: Volume II. The actual book is being offered for $45.00 and comes with a piece of original art by its illustrator, Seth B. Minkin. You can read more by Dave Balter about why he’s distributing the book this way at HBSPress.com.
Good news for tompeters.com readers! We have a few copies to give away, and we’re making it a contest. To win a book, go into the comments under this blog entry and post your best word-of-mouth story. The word limit is loose—100 words or thereabouts. We won’t penalize you for going way over, but we’ll be tempted to. Just between you and me, I got a strong sense of bias in favor of extreme brevity among the judges. (Full disclosure: I’m one of them.)
[To see the list of 19 others blogging this today, click on “read more” below.]
Jason Fried, 37signals, http://www.37signals.com/svn/
Todd Sattersten, 800-CEO-READ, http://800ceoread.com/
John Moore, Brand Autopsy, http://brandautopsy.typepad.com/
Chris Brogan, http://www.chrisbrogan.com/
Jackie Huba & Ben McConnell, Church of the Customer, http://www.churchofthecustomer.com/ and (Jackie alone) http://www.theswom.org
Emmanuel Vivier, Culture Buzz, http://culturebuzz.com/
John Bell, Digital Influence Mapping Project, http://johnbell.typepad.com/
John Jantsch, Duct Tape Marketing, http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/
Jeff Bussgang, Flybridge Ventures, http://www.bostonvcblog.com/
Greg Verdino, Greg Verdino’s Marketing Blog, http://gregverdino.typepad.com/
Bill Taylor, HBSP: Game Changer, http://discussionleader.hbsp.com/taylor/
Guy Kawasaki, How to Change the World, http://blog.guykawasaki.com/
Rohit Bharagava, Influential Marketing Blog, http://rohitbhargava.typepad.com/
Seth Godin, Seth Godin’s Blog, http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/
Todd Defren, SHIFT PR, http://www.pr-squared.com/
Chris Carfi, The Social Customer Manifesto, http://www.socialcustomer.com/
Jeremy Gutsche, Trend Hunter, http://www.trendhunter.com
Mitch Joel, Twist Image, http://www.twistimage.com/blog/
Mitch Caplan, What’s Next in Marketing, http://whatsnext.typepad.com
Good company to be in!