Video Problems and Politics

First, an update on the problems several of you have reported with the videos. We had tried loading them onto our server and embedding them onto the front page. That didn’t work. Now, we’re moving them to Vimeo. This change will make the front page open much more quickly, since the videos won’t load every time. We hope this will be a great improvement. Let us know! Thanks.

Second, politics is the subject of the latest Skillsoft video (1 minute 44 seconds). In this piece, Tom gives his opinion of politics on the job. That is, politics is part of every task, and if you don’t want to “play politics,” you really won’t get much done. If you want to succeed at implementation, then you’d better want to do politics, too.

Tom Peters on Politics from Tom Peters on Vimeo.

[If you’d like a PDF transcript of Tom’s video, you can download it here: Politics]

Cathy Mosca posted this on May 20, 2008, in Brand You.