Organizational Excellence

On April 30th, Tom spoke from a studio in Watertown, MA for the Skillsoft Leadership Development Channel that was broadcast out to about 10,000 people. At the end of the hour-long talk, Tom was asked to record some short videos on various topics. And then Tom added a couple of his own. The folks at Skillsoft have been kind enough to let us use these videos at The first one is called Organizational Excellence (length is just under 3 minutes) in which Tom says that “fundamentally the brand is the talent.” And that the best way to serve your external customer is to be sure to serve your internal customers, your employees, first. By happenstance, this topic coincides with the slide set Tom published today called “The Customer Comes Second.”

This is the first of eight videos ranging from “Organizational Excellence” to “Yes, You are in Sales!” We’ll be posting these sporadically over the next week or two, whenever we think you may need a jolt of inspiration. Hope you enjoy them.

Tom Peters on Organizational Excellence from Tom Peters on Vimeo.

[If you’d like a PDF transcript of this video, you can download it here: Organizational Excellence]

Shelley Dolley posted this on May 8, 2008, in Talent.