Per the topic just above, I’ve got two more reading recommendations. And you know I must be serious, because they are from the Harvard Business Review (12.07), not normally on my “Top 1000 Sources of Inspiration” list.
- “The Four Truths of the Storyteller,” by Peter Guber. (“The stories that move and captivate people are those that are true to the teller, the audience, the moment, and the mission.”)
- “Making Relationships Work,” an interview with John Gottman. (“Good relationships aren’t about ‘clear communication’—they’re about small moments of attachment and intimacy.” PLEASE RE-READ THAT. NOW. BIG “DUH”: IT’S AS IMPORTANT AT WORK AS IN MARRIAGE OR CHILD-REARING. It also reminds me of one of my favorite related quotes, from the great American statesman, Henry Clay: “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.”)