New Master: Now 3,500 (or so) Slides

Tom continues to tweak his master set of PowerPoint slides. As he uses it, he finds subjects that need more explanation, finds places that need resequencing, etc. There is a lot of duplication in the master set, but that gives you insight into how Tom does what he does. He can get to a particular section of the Master and copy a series of slides to serve his purpose when his topic is Innovation, or Talent, or Execution, or any of his other important themes.

The links for downloading are always in the right-hand column of this page, but I duplicated them below for your convenience. These take a while to download!
Part One: Context, Excellence
Part Two: Innovation
Part Three: PSF, the Value-added Ladder, Solutions, Dreams
Part Four: “New” Markets, Women, Boomers & Geezers
Part Five: People, i.e., Talent
Part Six: Leadership
Part Seven: Key Lists (Irreducibles, Sales, and more)

Cathy Mosca posted this on October 23, 2007, in Tom's Slides.