Long Time Coming!

I’ve had a “just around the corner” project just around the corner for literally years. Namely, a non-trivial Annotation of my Master Slide Presentation. At a dinner last weekend, I got into a discussion with a woman financial services exec, and we turned to the sorry (still!) state of women in senior management in financial services. I offered to send her “a few good quotes” via the women-boomers-geezers-“new” markets Section of the Master. Deciding I wanted it to be useful without me on a stage, I spent most of the last 2 days annotating. I’d call it Lite+ annotation. In any case, it at least explains the obscure #s and the like that dot the presentation. I have no idea whether or not I’ll annotate the rest, but this is a start. Please tell me your reaction—i.e., does it help?

Tom Peters posted this on August 29, 2007, in Tom's Slides.