Cool Friend: Mark Hurst

Are you weighed down by the email in your inbox or other bit-heavy electronic detritus? New Cool Friend Mark Hurst has these things to say: “Bits are heavy.” “Anybody with an email address could change their life if they read this book.” “Bit literacy frees you to finish your work so that you can live your life outside work.”

With his book, Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload, Hurst explains why it’s a good idea to learn more about your computer than how to turn it on and run a few Microsoft Office programs. He’s an expert on making people more productive with technology. Get started on your own journey to weightlessness. Visit the website of Creative Good, the user experience consulting firm that he founded, and now runs with Phil Terry. Or check into his other (Wow!) projects,, the Gel conference, and

We hope you’ll enjoy reading Mark Hurst’s Cool Friends interview.

Cathy Mosca posted this on July 10, 2007, in Cool Friends.