Our Amalfi Coast hike was overseen by Country Walkers. I’m busy writing my lengthy assessment. Views great, group great—chief guide awful, substance and style,* and I’m being generous, and hotels average to awful (Capri, view of stone wall—no shit) and food—in Italy!!!!—mediocre.
(*We had to fill in a detailed form ahead of time—food concerns, medicines, etc. Obviously confidential. Or so we thought. When the guide did the first night intros, he made semi-snide remarks about Kosher food, etc, etc. “Appalling” is far too kind a judgment; and then it went downhill.)
But forget my detailed assessment-complaining. Remember my couple of riffs on Fred Reichheld’s The Ultimate Question? All you need to know about customer “service” is “Would I recommend?”
Country Walkers: a resounding “No bloody way”—so much so that I’ll actively try to discourage others (e.g., with this Post).