I cannot pretend to be neutral about the Ohio senate race. Back in 1985, I’d guess, a bright, energetic, determined, idealistic young state legislator from Ohio came on “scholarship” (as I recall) to one of our first 5-day “SkunkCamps,” at Pajaro Dunes, near Santa Cruz California. By next Wednesday he stands a good chance of being Senator-elect Sherrod Brown of Ohio.
I wish him the best of luck next week. If he does win, Grandpa Tom plans, when the dust settles, to send him a short note: “Congratulations, Sherrod (Senator!). Current political madness notwithstanding, I believe the United States Senate is and remains the world’s most extraordinary legislative body. As you take on your enormous responsibility, I pray that you will be an American first, an Ohioan second, and only third a Democrat. That is, a true national legislator. I would like to dream-believe that you will become one of those cranky lions of the Senate such as, in my generation, the late and great and independent-minded Daniel Patrick Moynihan.”