Spring Is (Almost?) Here

For those of us in the Far North (Vermont) there are a series of Signs of “Spring.” Earliest, and my wife’s favorite, is the Winter Solstice … the day after which the days start getting longer. Next, Groundhog Day, Feb 2. For baseball nuts, it’s the day the Batteries (pitchers & catchers) report to Spring Training, in mid-February. For Vermonters there’s First Day of Sugaring (sap starts running, for maple syrup). The Guarantee one has survived the Winter is Opening Day (baseball), around
April 1.

Personally, I can’t go as far as Susan, honoring the Winter Solstice as the Indicative Turning Point. However, I’ve got a new Marker which I just read about in a push email from the San Francisco Giants. Next Tuesday, February 10, Spring Training tickets go on sale! Halleluiah! Spring is here, or at any rate only 4 days away!

Tom Peters posted this on January 6, 2006, in General.