1030 PM. United Arab Emirates.

14 hours+. Sydney to Dubai (aka AMAZING DUBAI). Jet lagged. Exercise for 1.5 hours. Hard. Asleep at 630pm local. Up at 1030pm local, to spend an hour or so tidying up tomorrow’s (01.22) speech to a pan-Middle East health leaders conference. (I’m the final act.)

Hate the speech. Start over. Up from 10:30 p.m. to 09:30 a.m. … rebuilding. Two parts. Posted yesterday. Speech was apparently well received.

Hop on a plane at 1:30 a.m. following the Dubai gig. (01.23.) Another 14 hours+ to NYC (and thence to Orlando for a GE confab). Sleep for 3 hours. Wake up determined to revise both parts of yesterday’s speech. Why? Hey, that’s what I do.

Hence these two “Special Presentations”—that I’m very happy with. (For now.)
Feedback welcomed.

(Will comment later on stuff of the last two weeks.)

(You can download the special presentations here: All You Need to Know and Toward Health(care) Excellence.)

Tom Peters posted this on January 23, 2006, in Tom's Slides.