Eamonn Kelly is our new Cool Friend. He is CEO of Global Business Network, a future-oriented consulting firm, and the author of Powerful Times: Rising to the Challenge of Our Uncertain World, which was launched in September 2005. For more than a decade Kelly has been at the forefront of exploring the emergence and the consequences of a new economy. Here’s a quote from his interview:
We need to give up the nostalgia for the past and adopt a new attachment to the future. It should be based on really understanding what’s happening today, really understanding the nature of the challenges, but with a sense of opportunity, a sense of optimism, and a sense that we can seize and create a new future without being terribly troubled about letting go of what has been, for the West in particular, a pretty good run of superiority. But superiority in the future isn’t guaranteed, and it’s not a disaster if other major players enter the scene and start to become full participants too.
You can read more in our current Cool Friend interview.