
Blogging tools and other systems around blogging are called “social software,” but we use these tools in isolation. At the BlogHer conference this past Saturday, we got social in a non-virtual way. Yay! I met:

A Cool Friend (not something I often do face-to-face), Sharon Whiteley, CEO of Third Age; a purple-haired blogger called Badger; her compulsive-writer friend Jo, blog name: Spanglemonkey; a mommy blogger named Mary (subtitle to her blog: sanity through online journaling); a knitter called Little Judy, whose excellent blog showcases her knitting projects among other things; Tricia, whose blog name I love:; and Jory Des Jardins, one of the organizers of BlogHer, whom I hereby welcome to our blogroll.

For commentary on the conference, I refer you to them. Read Badger here, Jo Spanglemonkey here, here, here, and here, Mary here, and Judy here.

All have two things in common: They’re women, and they write damn well.

Cathy Mosca posted this on August 2, 2005, in Blogging.
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