More "Bests"

Maybe it’s the Oscars, but I’m thinking about “bests,” and realizing not all bests lists must necessarily be published in December. See above (Oh, Canada!), and then a few more from me:

Best manufacturer (also tied for first, innovation): Apple.
Best financial services: Progressive. Friedman Billings Ramsey. Commerce Bank (also tied for first, retail).
Best business services: Infosys. RE/MAX.
Best (tied for first) retail: Whole Foods Markets.
Best entrepreneurial giant business: Tie, GE and Johnson & Johnson.
Best education: Big Picture.
Best CEO: Bob Nardelli, Home Depot.
Best re-imagineer: Steve Jobs (Apple); Kevin Roberts (Saatchi & Saatchi); Richard Branson (Virgin)
Best, bullshit detector: Eliot Spitzer.
Best, Shock & Awe (Company): Wal*Mart.
Best, Shock & Awe (Nation): China.
Best, Built to Last: None. (Honorable Mention, GE.)
Best, Big Co Mergers: None.
Best, marketing to women: None.
Best, marketing to boomers-geezers: None.

Best & Worst: Donald Trump. (Best, audacity & personal branding. Worst, jerk/sensitivity-to-one’s-fellow-human-beings.)

Worst, whatever: Martha Stewart, federal felon. (She cheated every single one of us who buy stock without insider information.)

Your additions are more than welcome!

Tom Peters posted this on March 1, 2005, in Excellence.